My name is Hotep! I have returned from ancient KMT to bring #Familyhood back into your community.
#Familyhood has three main definitions:
1) #Familyhood is one word to define The Intergenerational Enterprise.
The Intergenerational Enterprise is a collaboration between a school’s Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association, and Alumni.
“The Intergenerational Enterprise” is too many letters for a Twitter handle, so we use #familyhood to represent this collaboration in one word.
2) #Familyhood is also one word to define “Healthy Economics”.
Healthy Economics (HE) is a community development strategy that defines the school as the center of a communities development.
HE dissects each school into three main organizations: Student Government Association (SGA), Parent Teacher Association and Alumni (PTA) and promotes these organization to collaborate. This collaboration is called The Intergenerational Enterprise.
HE promotes The Intergenerational Enterprise to manage the school’s garden, farmers market and eventually a grocery store.
HE is divided into four main strategies/brands/websites/twitter that work together to recruit volunteers (students/parents/alumni/community partners) to join these organizations and to eventually collaborate. These strategies/web-sites are:,, and
3) The third definition of #Familyhood is the vision of a “neighborhood” transitioned into “Familyhood” after years of implementing the strategies of #Familyhood. To illustrate, once a school has a functioning Intergenerational Enterprise managing their schools garden, farmers market and grocery store, the graduates who experienced these business ventures as students, are encouraged to return as Alumni and/or future parents to mentor/support #Familyhood as adults. When the first student of the garden, farmers market and/or grocery store, returns as an Alumni or PTA to support the garden, farmers market,etc, #Familyhood at a school will have reached “the legacy stage.” Once a school reaches the legacy stage of #Familyhood, the school and the community will witness a more sustainable, healthy, peaceful community a state we call #Familyhood.