Dear people.

I have come to you at this time with an ancient message of peace. My name is Hotep, which means peace from ancient Kemet, many later call Egypt.

My campaign is called #Familyhood. You can follow me on twitter at twitter/familyhood or you could kick back and hear me on this very special day.

#familyhood is just as the name says. A combination of two words – family and neighborhood.

#familyhood defines the schools in every neighborhood as the nucleus for community development.

My campaign, #familyhood, is to travel state by state, school by school, to make sure, every school has a Student Government Association, A Parent Teacher Association and An Alumni Association.

#Familyhood wants these three main school based organizations at every school site to collaborate and operate their school garden, their farmers market and their future grocery store and enable students attending these schools to gain hands on entrepreneurial experience, while learning to work with others, while providing a desperate need (healthy food) in many underserved communities.

According to #Familyhood, every 1st Saturday of the month is a time for every school to build its #Familyhood.

Schools register their volunteer/recruitment days at

On these days, each school recruits new members to their schools SGA,PTA,ALUMNI and work on their school garden, farmers market and future grocery store.

Local businesses, leaders, community groups are encouraged to attend and share their career paths to the future generations.
