The answer to the question above assumes the reader has some understanding of Motto #2 or Mo’ Better Food of Familyhood, which states, “every school should a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.”

The order or path a school takes to have these food related (garden, farmer markets,grocery store), school-based enterprises functioning is typically, the garden, first, the farmers market, second and the Grocery store, third.

To illustrate, the garden is first, because the garden can be a meeting place for the school and its surrounding community, indoors and outdoors.

The school garden is also a low-cost start-up, i.e. seeds, soil, (although water is becoming more expensive) but  once started it becomes a growing space  for the students, parents , community to constantly work to maintain and improve.
Familyhood views the garden as an outdoor classroom that should teach every child how to plant a seed and how that seed can grow into a plant/ food.
This skill of learning how to grow a plant /food should leave the school garden and expand to every child’s home / backyard.
So, assuming a school has taken the above path, i.e. garden first, when it comes to the school’s farmers market, the farmers market, possibly the school garden, culd enable the students and other local farmers to sell the produce, herbs, etc, they grow, while creating healthier food options from within the community to make communities food secure.