When we visualize a school, we tend to envision a physical building as the school. #Familyhood’s vision of a school is more similar to a school of fish. This vision of #Familyhood is “The Big Brain” (cover page).

We use the image of a big brain that contains all the intelligence of all the students attending the school, its alumni, it’s parents, it’s teacher’s, community partners in collaboration.

#Familyhood also expands the role of a school to its residents beyond the years of their physical daily attendance.

For example, if we look at a life timeline of let’s say someone who is 80 years old, during their life, they were in high school between the ages of 15-18 (four years) and then Alumni the next 62+ years of their life. (See page 5 diagram).

#Familyhood expands the schools role to provide a pathway into its surrounding community by paying greater attention to the 62 years after high school – the Alumni years.


Written by David N.Roach aka The Adventures of Hotep