Peace everyone!
May it surround you!
2025 is here!

Welcome to the Official website of The Adventures of Hotep ( 

What is this website? 
This website is Hotep’s pursuit towards promoting Familyhood. 

Familyhood- a systemic , inter-generational approach of community development utilizing schools and their surrounding communities as the center of the communities development.

If you like more information abut Familyhood, read the E-Book written by yours truly David N. Roach .download The Familyhood Handbook here.

Within the book: “The Familyhood Connection ” I share “The Philosophy of Familyhood”, which in short gives the community and all its generations one goal – “to produce Alumni”.

This website is designed to provide space for the two main motto’s of Familyhood. 1) Every school should have a Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association, and Alumni Association and 2) Every school should have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.

To accomplish this “one goal of producing Alumni, which according to: “The Familyhood Handbook”, extends the typical role of current Alumni Association members to mentoring The Student Government Association.

Therefore, the main goal of schools and their relationship to their students,  through Familyhood, expands from just serving a student for four years as a student, but rather for their entire life as an Alumni.

To keep abreast of our journey towards growing Familyhood’s, visit on Facebook.

A few updates / events happening in the Bay Area are below.

Take great care!
David N. Roach

Morehouse College vrs Tuskegee University at the Oakland Coliseum on February 15th, 2025 –
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The 23rd Oakland International Film Festival is currently accepting entries for this years festival.
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The Philosophy of Familyhood – “When one thinks of Familyhood, think of the fish.
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The “do now” strategy towards Familyhood is 1st Saturdays -representing the 1st Saturday of every month as the official monthly volunteer day at schools to improve the school and grow the collaboration of its school-based organizations. More details

While Famillyhood promotes one thing, the production of Alumni,” the root of its success is to build strong Student Government Association to feed into the Alumni Association.
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How about other people that want to get involved? People, not students, not parents, not Alumni? Familyhood defines them as “Friends of the School” and there main role is to support the schools Familyhood.
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