
On the journey of creating healthy, sustainable, peaceful communities, the vision #Familyhood arose.

#Familyhood defines schools as the center of community development and utilizes the schools inter-generations to increase governance at schools and their surrounding communities.

In short, #Familyhood is the collaboration of the schools Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association. When the students graduate, they come back as Alumni to assist the next generation. This “people connection from within the community” is how we increase sustainability from within the community for generations to come.

#Familyhood is driven by two motto’s. 1) “every school shall have functioning Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association”. 2) “every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.”

in short, #Familyhood plans and operates these food related, school based enterprises (garden, farmers market, grocery store). Which means students gain hands-on experience creating healthy food options, while gaining work experience, while being mentored by their PTA, Alumni and Community Partners.

How does a community begin to implement #Familyhood in their community?

#Familyhood begins with 1st Saturdays.
1st Saturdays represents the first month of each month as a monthly volunteer /recruitment day at schools.
On this day, the school hears updates from its three main membership organizations (SGA, PTA, ALUMNI) while working on their school garden and future plans for their farmers market and grocery store.

When these organizations grow in capacity by recruiting new members and assisting each other in their common interest of bettering their school and their surrounding community, the community advances towards the vision of #Familyhood.

To get started in your community, first read the free e-book “The Vision #Familyhood and it’s “do now” strategy #1stSaturdays”.
Once you read it, you should be prepared to qualify as someone to share with others #Familyhood and recruit others in your community towards it., and will be here to assist your efforts in recruiting people in your community to support your communities governance and social enterprises.

Looking forward to building healthy, sustainable, peaceful communities with you!


The Adventures of Hotep is a fictitious character created by David N. Roach